Budget Automations

There are three optional Automations you can add to your Budget
(Create a new Budget / Amend an existing Budget ):

Budget Rollover - enabling Budget Rollover increases / decreases the amount of the following Budget cycle based on the over / under spend of the previous Budget cycle.

The Rollover amount added / deducted to the new Budget cycle is clearly shown in the Budget Dashboard.

Note - when creating a new Budget, you have the option to manually add a one off Rollover amount to the first cycle. Again, this amount is clearly shown in the Budget Dashboard.

Overspend Control - this pauses campaigns or reduces their daily spends if the Budget is depleted during the cycle.

There are two options:

  • Pause - pauses the active Campaigns for the rest of the cycle.

Note - The Campaigns paused by this automation will be automatically re-enabled at the start of the next cycle

Note - If you choose to raise the Budget amount manually during a cycle, any Campaigns that were paused by the automation will require manual reactivation. Otherwise, they will continue to stay paused until the next cycle begins

  • Reduce spend - reduces Campaign daily budgets by the percentage specified.

Note - This reduction remains in place at the start if the next cycle, Campaign budgets will need to be manually increase if required.

OptiPacer budget manager - this feature automatically adjusts campaign daily budgets based on campaign performance and your target budget amount for a cycle. It ensures you spend your target budget effectively and on time, every time.

You will need to select a Performance Metric which OptiPacer will aim to maximize. There are four options:

Sales Value